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Online Certifications

By Himesh Nayak

Recent years have seen a boom in tehnology, making learning and life easier. Thus, it becomes necessary to be abreast of the various upcoming technologies and update our skills. Here's a solution :


The ability to work at your own pace make online certification an attractive option. One benefit is that you can go as quickly as you can manage to do te work instead of only on a regular shedule determined by others. Many certification courses can be completed in as little as six to eight weeks, and you can complete an entire series in a little as a few months.

Students can take online courses and even complete entire degrees, it may not mean they want to leave their current job. The previously mentioned flexibility of online programs enable students to keep studying at school while also pursuing technical certifications.
Improve your technical skills: Even the most basic online coruses requires the development of new computer skills, as students learn to navigate different learning management systems (LMS) and programs. The participation skills studnets learn within their online courses translate to many professions, including creating and sharing documents, incorporating audio/video materials into assignments ,completing online training sessions, etc. Some schools even offer free laptops or iPads. Students in online programs can effectively manage their time , learn the materials, and complete assingments on their own schedules to name just a few benefits of online learning.

My Personal Experience:

I have been doing some online certifications in the recent years, which have been really useful in improving my skills as a coder and app and website developer.

Here are some online ceritification websites from which I have earned the certificates and would recommend you the same : NEPTEL, IIT BombabyX, ADOBE, COURSERA, EDX.

Himesh Nayak,
Developing Head